Do you want to feature your product on our site? Just fill out this form to post your deal. To get more sales and more earnings, make the title and the description as exciting as possible. The stage is all yours.

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Deal information

Please enter a suitable title for your deal.
Please enter a short description of your product or service. Make it exciting.
Please enter a short description of your product or service. Make it exciting.
Enter number of products you want to sell.
Mention the actual price of the product or service.
Mention the discounted price you wish to sell your product or service. Enter 0 for a free deal offer.
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If you have website, enter its URL here.
After a successful purchase, users will be taken to this page. This is usually a 'Thank you' page.

Purchase limits

This is the minimum number of sales required to provide a deal.
This is the maximum number of items a single user can purchase.

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